Recommending/Sharing Sites

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by orionpierre, Mar 22, 2001.

  1. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    I would like to suggest that you slightly relax the rules on posting urls for websites.

    In chatting with others I have found interesting and valuable sites. Sites such as Alien Soup, anandtech (not the forum) that discusses the relative merits of motherboards, chipsets, cpus, etc., even a posting on a ebay where someone bought just the packing carton that a Sega DreamCast came in for $400. Sometimes they say check this out but with the intent of informing or entertaining the group. This group visits a multitude of sites and together sift out the better ones. And, we should be allowed to discuss and share our experiences with others. I don't think this would detract from Alien Soup, only make it a better community.

    I know the subterfuge references to sites trying to sell something are a problem and annoying and I agree those should be restricted & zapped.
  2. moonsee

    moonsee Regular Member

    it's not really my decision

    but i just thought that i would comment

    even though it does suck occasionally, for the most part, if a site is posted that we don't approve of, there is a good reason
    we usually don't have issues with sites
    and on rare occasions that there is an issue, it's prolly cuz someone screwed up in the past ;\

    ------------------ <--- please use us for your hotbot searches ;)
  3. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Posting URLs is allowed, provided that it's not SPAM advertising your own site, or a referral link, or other such sites.

    All of the sites you mentioned, save possibly the eBay one, are allowed, and sites of those types are posted quite often.

    Say you are trying to post some info to General Tech, and you would like to link to an article on Tom's Hardware, Anandtech, or HardOCP that would back up or clarify your post, those types of links are allowed.

    If you are trying to pull someone into another forum by posting "Hey, check out my forum", those types of links are not allowed.

    From your post, it seems to me that you perceive that there is a uniform ban on ALL URLs posted in messages, and that's not the case. As with much else here, a lot depends on the content and context.

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."

    (`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ~ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)
    «´·.¸¸ Diesel Dan ¸¸.·`»
    (¸.·'´(¸.·'´ ~ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)
  4. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    No, I know that there is not a total ban on url's in messages.

    Here is an an example of what I feel is banned that maybe is O.K.

    Hey guys I was surfing the web today and visited this great site. Check it out , it's called AlienSoup there is a great group there. I think you would enjoy visiting.


    Hey KNS I see you're going to the Bahama's for spring break. Where did you get the tickets? Joe's Web Site was a pain to use, I liked Mabel's Airline Ticket Site(similated url) better and got cheapper prices, what do you think?

    Don't you guys suggest interesting web sites to each other...not just links to articles or pictures?

    The second example is commercial but no one is trying to sneak their own site in, the group is sharing experiences with each other.

    <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by orionpierre on March 22, 2001 at 09:02 PM]</font>
  5. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    As was said before, we don't ban links outright here. Only blatant plugs for sites. The URL's you find edited out, usually don't take very much common sense to figure out the reasoning why.

    If you've experience alot of sites like you lead us to believe, you'll notice similiar policies at most larger sites.

    However, we will have further means of posting personal or favorite links of everyone's in the future with our links database when our new website debuts.

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask, is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" - Ronald Reagan
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    In response to your last post...

    Generally if people are discussing a particular subject, and some URL's come up, I really don't have much of a problem with that.

    Like I said, it's more the blatant ones I have a problem with.

    On another note, I believe that it's also 'bad form' to post clear competitors sites personally. I wouldn't do that at any other forums' sites that I visit. I leave my URL in my sig, and I'm done with it. .

    "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask, is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" - Ronald Reagan
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