One thing I don't like about XenForo, when you click New Post button and view a thread listed, it gets removed afterwards from the list when viewing New Post again until another reply is made in the thread. That of course is right how it works, but when it comes to trying too trace down the same topic later to read again, or amend something you posted - it's a pain trying to re-find the topic. I see TAZ has a Recent Posts button used, you can click that and it will show all latest topics that might have been removed from New Posts list (so you can use that also to quickly find latest topics you posted in or read recently (that way). I have a similar thing on my phpBB 3 board and is handy to have their, you should think about installing that Recent Posts mod here, as it's very easy to re-find recent topics removed from New Posts list because you just read it, by using Recent Posts button instead that doesn't remove topics from list when read.
It should be a stock feature in XenForo by now, why is isn't is beyond me. When you think the only way to check new posts, is that one way. Then you look at phpBB and the various ways you can do same thing for different results making it much more user friendly on post finding. Add to that, it also works like XenForo on giving you an alert if quoted e.t.c in a posts to jump too (before somebody brings that side on things up) XF can do to find posts (so can phpBB 3.1). What gets me the most, there are add-ons to do most of same thing for XenForo. Unanswered Posts, Recent Posts mods. Yet, none of them have been made a stock feature to help make XenForo more post finding user-friendly (and they've been around as mods a while now). Considering people at XF have this opinion Kier is some UI expert. It doesn't show when things like this get overlooked for adding as stock that would obviously make using the forum software far better at finding posts - you want to find. Instead of having to go trolling though forums too much trying to find topics.