Recent Site Updates...

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Alien, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey humans,

    First off, we apologize for the prolonged weekend-long downtime. We really wish it could have been much shorter but we got wacked with a lot of problems at once.

    You won't notice any significant changes as of yet, we're still in the middle of adding quite a few new scripts and reworking our navigation system to be much simpler.

    There are a few layout issues we're aware of (such as the Pre column which does not yet house our new prefix icons we're working on), the navigation containing some missing or incomplete links, etc. We'll get them fixed as quickly as possible.

    We'll also be adding in a new interactive story script, a 10-in-1 casino, an updated shout box, forum statistics/latest threads on forum index, vbplaza/gifts will return, member blogs, and many additional surprises...

    Here's a few things that ARE new:

    1) New Profiles - You will notice that you now have a new profile layout. You may wish to take this opportunity to update it if you haven't in a while. You can even leave messages/greets inside others' profiles! One thing that is not yet installed is a favorite YouTube video. I will let you know once this is functioning.

    2) Site Tags - When creating new threads, or editing old ones you will notice you can now choose tags to go along with them. You can search these tags from within our Advanced Search location, and in addition you will be able to simply search via our new "Tag Cloud" that appears both at the bottom of the Advanced Search page and on our front page left column!

    3) Thread Prefix Images - You will also notice that when you create a new thread, or edit old threads that you can include a thread prefix. In certain forums there will even be specific ones you can choose (such as a food prefix, or a recipe prefix inside the Starlight Diner) in addition to site-wide ones. Only a small portion of them are installed right now, but feel free to give them a try. They'll be in their own columns for a nice clean effect, as soon I can get that done.

    4) Social Networking - That's right, not only can you add a person to your online contact list, but you can now request their friendship as well (and friends will display inside of your profile if they agree)! You can allow just friends to view certain features, and more. Click "Quick Links" menu to get started!

    5) Custom Clubs / Social Groups - This should turn out to be a popular feature. Always wanted an "Pirates Vs. Ninjas" group? Like photography (Diesel?). Create a public group, or private group. Invite members to join, or just let them happen upon it! Moderate it, or allow a free-for-all! Your choice! You'll see a nice list of groups to join, and you can view the members/avatars of those who have joined your groups. You can leave messages, post pictures, etc.! Click "Quick Links" menu to get started!

    6) Member Photo Galleries - While we're working hard to get the main photo gallery back online, we wanted to let you know of an additional feature. You can now create a personal member album of your own from within your profiles! That's right, you're no longer limited to just one! Click "Quick Links" menu to get started!

    There are many other additional features you might stumble upon, and we plan on bringing you a little bit at a time so don't be surprised if new things just pop up!

    Once we're done, we'll be sending out an e-mail to our entire membership and hopefully that will bring us a few old timers and people who have gotten lost along the way...

    Thanks again for your understanding on the downtime and thanks for participating on our website.
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    goodbye, facebook! :tongue:

    nice job, alien!
  3. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    Wow, that sounds like it has been / is going to be a LOT of work. Thankyou for your continued efforts to make this a better and more vibrant community :)
  4. Goshzilla

    Goshzilla Regular Member

    Wow, a lot of new features. I'll go give them a look. Thanks for all the hard work.
  5. Luciann

    Luciann Regular Member

    thanks for all your hard work and i will be looking at the new items and eagerly awaiting the rest of the stuff as you get it done....thanks again
  6. Caron

    Caron Regular Member

    Thanks for the work Alien. Nice job on all of the additions as well. :)
  7. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Thanks a lot guys!

    Luckily, things seem to be working pretty smoothly...
  8. Junglizm

    Junglizm Regular Member

    The 'New Posts' display is broken for me in Firefox (I'm assuming this is not what you meant by the pre column? I see that on the forumview, but the column is much smaller.)


    Everything else seems to be working fine though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  9. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Yeahhh your up and running again. Glad to see you back Alien and oh by the way love the bunny suit. lmaooo
  10. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    rosebud: ;)

    Junglizm: I'm on it!
  11. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Junglizm? Oh no another alien word to look up. Guess its back to school to learn the new alien language. lol
  12. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Tags are now visible in a 'tag cloud' on our front index/portal page, as well as the one already available via the "Advanced Search" (search.php) page!
  13. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

  14. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Alien, as usual, :yourock:
  15. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    (the column headers on "new posts" are still off by one...)
  16. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Glad to see the soup is up again- good work Alien and everyone! :)
  17. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Yeah, nasty outage yesterday... Ugh.

    I'm not set yet on that column fix, I'll have it done as quickly as I can.
  18. V4L3NT1NE

    V4L3NT1NE Regular Member

    Cool site. Need any post pre-fix icons? Pro-bono.
  19. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    all better! good going, BGH!
  20. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    If I gave you a list, would you be able to do a custom set for Alien Soup?

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