I have no idea what I am doing. I exited photoshop without saving, I'm done. They look quite horrible right now, in my opinion. Both with the admin rank not being black and the fact that it's touching the avatar with no space in between. What I think they need is a pixel or two above and below them and no line-break in the postbit code. Otherwise, let's do away with this.
If you send me the PSD I can edit. The text have been settled so I can easily edit, though I will save as PNG.
LOL Send me the psd over (nick as my email) and I'll make the alterations so you won't need to use any line breaks in the postbit. Let me know all the alterations you need and want and i'll have them done.
We will also need a Mentor (Addicted Mentor, perhaps) badge. As for want color, I'm not sure. You and/or Savage can decide that. Also, I'm currently browsing via mobile and will not be back at my desk until morning, so you are going to have to tell Savage what your email address is via PM.
Here's the updated ranks. Try uploading these first they are in png format and won't need any line breaks in the postbit. Let us see what they look like first and then we can discuss other ranks and colours.
I'm really sorry about the hassle. :p "Addicted Admin"/"Addicted Mod" - #000 black "Mr Tickle" - Mr. Tickle (period) A little bit of space above/below the rank so we don't need a line-break (not as much as a full line-break - do what you think looks clean) Maybe save them as .png if it can improve the quality We don't need a member rank, but we will most likely need some kind of Mentor rank now. The actual name and color is undecided... I'm thinking dark green similar to the dark blue for premium members.
Check the post above you savage and don't worry it's no hassle. If you want the admin darker let me know. But the admin is darker than the one s your currently using.
I've uploaded them and I think they are an improvement. I just need to find out from Nick where I can remove the line-break. I don't see it in the postbit_legacy template.
I like it. Let's here other opinions. And if you want you can create the same thing replacing vBulletin with the other forum scripts so we have them if we need them.
I don't like the baby blue or brick red. 'Ya think you could squeeze "Better than the rest" in there? I kid, I kid!
IPB can say IP.Board instead. If we are going to have a different color for each, maybe we should only give the mentor the rank image and not change the color of their username. I kind of like only having the regular member, premium member, and staff member colors (or a single mentor color which would mean each mentor rank can only be the same color).