I posted them as I submitted that post last night then removed them while I modified them again due to one of the titles having a mistake within them. I made slightly larger variations though I think FMB effort is more than good enough.
I'll send them via pm shortly. I'll leave the canvas at the size that is shown in the preview, and then slice the images/psd so future alterations will only need a one clicking saving process rather than saving each individual rank. Whilst I have them open, if there's any other titled rank you think you may need let me know so they're consistent in design with the rest. Pending you want other rank titles, associate a colour for them or provide me with a hex value so I can make additional alterations. I still want to tinker with the colouring slightly so please bare with me and I'll get them to you asap.
Sounds great, Shelley! At this time, I don't think we need any additional ranks, but if you don't plan on keeping the .PSD, please send that as well and I'll keep it in case I need them modified later on.
Here are the gifs (matted to the background they are being applied onto) Nick - If you could give me an e-mail to send the .psd to. Thanks.
The ones in this post are my favorite thus far. They do not appear to be pixilated anymore. My only suggestion (if you want them now, before you close them on your computer), is to make a black one for moderators. Also, because of my OCD, could you add a period after 'Mr' on the Mr. Tickles rank? :p And I love the Mr. Tickles rank, by the way. One question: What are the .gif ones for and why are they slightly different? I've noticed these ones say "Addicted Admin" while the first set has "Admin Addict". I like "Addicted Admin" better. These also appear low quality and pixilated to me.
Arghhhhh you've requested savage I'm going to choke. once someone requests a graphic I automatically close photoshop down. I become unmotivated, lazy and ponder for the next 30 days how I'll pass my time like taking a break from having a break. Jacquii will tell you, I'm the laziest bitch on the planet and if she tells you she is she's lieing. The reason why I didn't apply a period after the "mR" was because of the size restrictions. Otherwise I would have done. I guess I could make the ranks a little larger (let's wait and see what nick says). As for the other requests I shouldn't think that would be a problem and there's no need to worry about future alterations. I'll keep them on my hardrive just in case you need the alterations. I'll await for nicks response on the re-sizing. edit: The screenshots aren't fully expanded so they'll appear slightly pixelated untill you hover over the previews or click them.
Oh Shelley, I didn't realize that a moderator rank wasn't included in the latest batch. We definitely will need one of those on hand. Savage, the .gifs look blurry and smaller until you click them and open the attachment in full. Her latest upload is what is now in the postbit and I think it looks good except for the following tweaks: The text seems a bit small for the rank. I presume, though, that it will be hard to increase the text size while leaving the size of the rank itself alone. I'd like for the admin ranks to say Addicted Admin rather than the current Admin Addict, as Savage suggested.
I see the new ranks. I'll need to re-size the height of the canvas by a couple of pixels so they aren't sitting flush with the bottom of the avatar. The ranks will appear the same height but the new ones will have a slight gap between the avatar (bottom of it) and the postcount data (give me two minutes to make the alterations and upload them.
I hate to be so picky, but would you mind changing the "Moderator Addict" one to "Addicted Mod"? If you want me to I can make any future tweaks myself with the .psd.