By all means it's entirely up to you lot. All I can advise and I'm sure many people is give the best advice they can and feel what is helpful and both beneficial to you. I would also wait to see what the other designers and coders think after all they need to view here and may like the beveled look.
Nah..I got love for the gif haha but for 'normal' images I like png. Animations gif all the way! I just think it looks strange (?) with the smaller avatars. Otherwise I think they look great.
This is my favorite vBulletin postbit (click). I love the 3D, I love the nicely sized avatars, and I really love the fact that members can choose what they want shown in their own posts (scroll down and you will see what I mean). I'd like some feedback from both the AA members and staff. What do you all think of being able to pick what you want in your posts (assuming the 3D idea is out)?
Just wanted to suggest about cleaning the text up in the ranks. I'd suggest going with generic font something like Tahoma with a size of 11pt using sharp as the anti-aliasing set to bold (as shown in the previews (below). Gives off a crispier/sharper look.
The size is better (I would maybe make it a tad bit wider horizontally (just more empty space on the sides)) because of the way it tends to be the same size as avatars. The font is still weird on my screen though.
What are you talking about 3D? The white line around the avatar? Like what I have on my avatars? I also like picking. It's a cool concept.
No, the borders around the information. The while boxes look 3D compared to what we have (ours are flat). FMB, I think it looks clearer now, I just wish the letters were bold like the logo letters are. But I'd also like for someone to confirm it is a little less pixilated. And I appreciate you working with us like this.
ahhhhh yeah they have a field set up for those. It just looks like they have some boarders setup around the box... Code: .postbitfields background:#F9F9F9 none repeat scroll 0 0; border-color:#AAAAAA #5B5B5B #5B5B5B #AAAAAA; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; font-family:verdana,geneva,lucida,'lucida grande',arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:11px; padding:3px; }
That's correct - I know how to do it but I wanted to see if people want that here or not. I don't think it is something we will be implementing at this time, however.
I like my postbit better than that one :o header Question - F-Body Online I do think there are some nice ones, but that one doesn't do it for me.
This looks better, but I think it's a bit too large. The text is also still a bit fuzzy. I like Shelley's attempt. Savage, your thoughts?
Nick, I didn't even see Shelley's version until just now. They're good, my only suggestion is to have them a tad larger (mainly horizontally) because I think when they're that small they look weird against avatars and the postbit information background. But if you don't agree feel free to upload whichever you think are the best.