Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Ryan, May 30, 2009.

  1. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    I'm half middle-aged, so you can say quarter-aged, but not quarter century, get it?
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    One-fifth century?
  3. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    That ass of your's, you bet it.
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I feel old just posting in this thread... my bones are creaking.
  5. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I only stay on AIM and I keep my away message up at all times. This gives me an excuse to ignore someone as I wish. :)
  6. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Sounds like something that you would say.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I've noticed this. :p
  8. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

  9. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Plazz, I was looking for that bottle - where did you find it?
  10. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  11. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Why it was right next to your cellphone

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  12. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

  13. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Oh, so that's what that bell-like sound was... I thought it was my old-fashioned egg timer buzzer.
  14. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    If I were drinking something right now, I would've definitely spit it all over my monitor! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  15. Richard

    Richard Novice

    Sounds almost exactly like what I do. It gets a little out of hands these days...
    I used to have a member of my forum who would say "what's up" every time I signed on. We would precede to have the same four-line conversation every single time I logged on MSN. Needless to say, I was annoyed out of my mind and blocked him. :devil:
  16. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    One of my members does the same thing. It's all with good intentions and for the sake of conversation, but I mean come on. Why do you feel the need to say hello to me and ask about everything every time I sign on?

    Invisible mode has worked a treat. :unhunh:
  17. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  18. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Okay, not only does that picture make no sense, but is officially reaching a VERY high rating on the "CREEP-O-METER" :eek:
  19. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    What the hell is going on in this thread? It's reached levels of craziness that have never been reached before!
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Wha da fuh... I've decided not to even comment on that latest image.

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