Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Ryan, May 30, 2009.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    I am fed up. When ever I sign in on msn I have a moderator talking to me NONE STOP. I'm like amg.

    I would just block :/ But I feel that's mean.
  2. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Put yourself either on Appear Offline, or Busy/Away

    I know what you mean, and I just ended up blocking them :D
  3. doodles

    doodles Adept

    Me too. I had to use appear offline for a while, every time I logged in, i got hassled by a member of our forum.A couple of times I used the offline to check whether she was on and then switched to online, the problem was she started using appear offline too so collared me everytime:doh:

    Thankfully she got bored of fish and moved on from our forum.
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    The "Appear Offline" function is a thing of beauty. ;)
  5. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I rarely ever sign into either of my IM clients (MSN & AIM) - usually by 'appointment' only (when somebody tells me to get on or I need to urgently contact somebody) but when I do, I log in invisibly almost every single time.

    I have all kinds of people that will annoy me wanting a response - members of my forum, members of other forums I frequent, etc.
    They don't understand that the lack of a response from me means I'm not interested in (or unable to) talk with them and to leave me alone.

    That's really your only viable solution here. :)
  7. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    I hate it when I sign in. "Hi can I be staff"

    or the best one I have had is "Hi I will pay you if you make me a admin"
  8. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I can't say that I've heard that before. :lol:
  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I haven't heard that either, but can imagine what it's like. In that case, you have the option of blocking them - which I would not be hesitant to do.
  10. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Sometimes it is fun to read what they are saying.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Meh, I prefer not to waste precious time reading such silly whines. :p
  12. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Do you tend to find that the members that participate in such harassing activities are quite young?
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I've never experienced this, but I'd assume they are youngsters.
  14. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    ... and I'm talking very young - younger than 13 years of age.
  15. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    LOL, I once admin'd a forum where it turned out that the average age of the staff was 14. One thing led to another, shit hit the fan, and one of the admin's moms made him step down and took away his internet.

    I hate working with kids.
  16. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I wouldn't expect them to be much younger than that.

    Besides, if I knew I had a 12-year-or-younger member, I'd ban them until they properly comply with COPPA procedures.
  17. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    That's pretty funny, actually. :lol:
    "His mom made him step down" :lmao:
  18. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Wait. How old are you lot?
  19. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Take a guess.

    His mother made him "step down" - that's great.
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    You sound surprised. :lol:

    What he said.

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