
Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by kev, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Like some people already said, some just don't realize the amount of work that is maintaining a forum.

    I myself am responsible of doing such thing at a point, but I'm actually back on track and pumped to keep my projects going. A lot of people who quit usually don't know much about handling a forum or being an administrator, some others just don't have the necessary resources or patience to maintain a community. I think it's great to have communities like this in which people help each other in the process of building/maintaining a forum. These kind of resources are some that need to be available to these people who'd like to quit. You start from somewhere, no?
  2. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Many people start a forum, not for the money they hope to make, but just as a hobby site. I've seen people start a forum with a name/domain that doesn't quite work, so they change it. No harm in that if the forum is still relatively new. I'm planning to do the same thing. :D

    My point is, many (not all) people do know that they have a challenge ahead of them, that the going will be tough, and their forum probably won't be an overnight success. But if they're willing to do all that they can to work it, including changing the name/domain if need be, then I say go for it. Do whatever you think it's going to take, and don't give up.

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