Quick Reply

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by ChopSuey, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. ChopSuey

    ChopSuey Regular Member

    Its missing the editor toolbar or whatever.
  2. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    I have a funny feeling that Brandon wanted it like that. I may be wrong though =]
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    You should be able to change that in your usercp, but they are gone by default ;)
  4. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    I kind of like it =] Most people on my forum say that they never even use the full reply as most of the commonly used tags are on the quick reply. Good idea =]
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I remove the editor on the quick reply so the page loads faster ;)
  6. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Nice job =]
  7. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    I can't seem to get the editor back no matter what I have my usercp set to. Meh.
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    maybe it's disabled all together in quick reply?
    hit the "go advanced" button
  9. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Yeah I changed it to advanced and there are no buttons there. I loath going to the advanced editor. I hate the extra page loads lol
  10. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I'm like traumatized without my editor bar! AHH! :D

    Seriously, it just doesn't feel right....like my quick reply is naked or something. :(
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    lol. I'll bump it up one notch but I really don't like the full editor :)
  12. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

  13. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

  14. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    I didn't mind it before, when you get used to the tags you remember them, so no need for buttons =D
  15. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I don't remember my name half the time anymore... :eek:

    I donno I just find it easier. Like I said I hate hate hate to go to the advanced editor.
  16. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    I don't mind either way, but yeah I remember most of them =P
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    so everyone is happy now, you can bold and color to your hearts content :D
  18. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    Yes i love bold and italic text lol.
  19. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    It's mint kid :D
  20. Iestyn

    Iestyn Regular Member

    I do think we need the strikethrough though :-/

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