Quick question about XenForo, when posting discussions/messages and when you earn a trophy award is it a option for it to take around 3-5 minutes to update the statics and such, like can you make it update automatically or...?
When someone posts a message on a XenForo forum or even a discussion in the forum static area where it gives the total amount of discussions / messages it takes around 3/5 minutes to update it, wondering if you can make it update it quicker, if that clears it up a bit more? Or well, not exactly 3/5 minutes but it's not totally automatically updated ;p
From what I've seen here, it updates when you next refresh/change the page, but there might be some timed script to update the alerts somewhere
Yes they take about 3-5 minutes to update, as ashley said its timed. It updates everytime the cron jobs run.
When I was testing posts on my XenForo it seemed to take a couple of minutes or so to update it, I was guessing it reduced lag or something. Thanks for the help anyways ;p
Your welcome. And yes I read somewhere that it does reduce lag when it dosent update instantly so its a good thing.