Are you planning on keeping the nodes/categories/forums as is? Strange question, but I'd just like to know for giggles.
AWS mentioned a restyle and IIRC, reorganizing the forums a bit. I'm with you on the author bit. It's nice to know who OP is, but it definitely doesn't match.
I was more interested in the reorganizing... Just curious on a few things. It's cool, I'll play around on my test site and see what I can come up with. I've been interested in doing something creative for an admin site anyways... Either way, no harm no foul.... I know it'd likely be a while before he has it laid out.
Start off with something like this: For a "new" post, have a corner image. Not sure what could be done with "Other".. I figured the focus would be on the 3 major players (alphabetical order so no one would assume favortism). Still can have your last poster avatar, node icons are worthless for me, as well as stats... if stats were needed, could always have them located in the left corner area or something... Anywho, done with my boredom. I'd need to see how the forums are laid out for me to have fun.
For the software section that is what I had in mind. I think it would have to include phpBB, SMF and myBB in the list. Maybe the top 3 as you have them and then the other 3 as subforums below that. As far as categories and forums go I plan to keep the amount. I had planned to present them better.
I'd personally go without the subForums being hid, and have them displayed like so. That way at least members have a quick brief look at what is inside each sub easily. That could be your top node, then your second I would go with the software node, featuring the 6 you already have as well as a general one below it....
I looked at the author badge and thought it would be an easy change to make it fit the style. It is an image so css tweaks will not do it. I'm going to look at an alternative way to show the starter badge.
Showing who is author of the thread could be as simple as changing the background color of messageUserInfo.
I don't think the STYLE of the ribbon matches. Or the color... I'd get more creative overall with the postbit, while still enhancing the "author" posting....
Looks like I got beat to the punch. I obviously have to throw out my idea of using UI.X the style I planned to use after I bought the site. I don't want to be called a copycat after all. My fault. I should have contracted you right away. My fault for standing idly by.