Questions for vBulletin Management

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Brandon, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    These are posted in the hidden "license feedback" section which hides it from anyone who doesn't have an account on

    Questions for @LawrenceCole

    His answers

    more questions

    The answers

    Another question from icewolf

    answer from @LawrenceCole

    another question

    Reply from Lawrence


    his reply

    another question

    reply from Lawrence
    follow up to the question about from a user

    and from Lawrence again

    That's just the first page, I'll copy the other 2 pages over if people are interested in reading it.
    Dan Hutter and cpvr like this.
  2. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I absolutely loathe these nonsense answers. I know you're just sharing info, but there is NOTHING here that screams news to me. First, some of the questions are repetitive and stupid (aka no meat to the questions such as "8) Why are you marketing vB5 with features that dont exist?"). He is literally just being a spokesperson giving vague answers. vBulletin 5 is a joke of a product and I am quite sad the path they have taken since 3.8.
    z3r010, Martin W and Dan Hutter like this.
  3. John

    John Regular Member

    He has always reminded me of the old saying, "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS".
  4. Martin W

    Martin W Regular Member

    I think someone should go an ask the following question:

    You mad bro?

    :) But in all seriousness. This does not really answer much at all does it. It simply washes over the question.
  5. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    first at all: don't ask why & when to the staff of
    because all you get is:
    it'll released when it ready.
    we're working on it.
    and when you keep asking them, you'll get banned.
  6. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

    I really wonder why anyone still takes vBS serious. They should drop the ´v´ from vBS. I really can´t take vb5 serious as a platform, nor can I take the company serious in terms of honesty and reliability. It seems to me that they do not do so either.
  7. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Did the people get a official reply to their questions?

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