
Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by shihab, May 9, 2010.

  1. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    anyone know how to improve the quality and appearance of images?
  2. talha

    talha Regular Member

    yes photoshop
  3. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    ???....i meant, the resolution and blur
  4. Insanity

    Insanity Regular Member

    Create the image in a high resolution, then scale down to the correct size. You will not loose as much detail compare to scaling up which can wreck an image.

    Another way is choosing a good format to save as, I mostly use PNG, BMP gets used when I have no worres about file size or transparency.
  5. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thanks Insanity :D

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