Psychology of Writing

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by LunarScorpio, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor


    Psychology of Writing prides itself on being a friendly and open site for writers, role-players and artists of all kind. All minds deeply involved in, or even simply abutting the edges of, creative endeavors will find a warm and flexible environment with us. One of our most popular aspects is writing and role-playing, with a community dedicated to fantastic dialogues.

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  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Looks nice, I saw it on the audentio website.
  3. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Did you? They did a really nice job on the theme. I'm hoping to get a lighter version of it as well down the line.
    Kaiser likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yes I saw it in their Portfolio, and yea a light theme would be great.
  5. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Some Updates from Psychology of Writing:

    A new forum has been added to the site. Seeing as our name is Psychology of Writing, we decided to go forward with adding a support section known as The Advice Column. This forum is for members only so that it creates a more comfortable setting to share thoughts and feelings that one may be experiencing. Within The Advice Column, we have added a section where PoWers can seek advice from their peers with whatever they may be going through. We have also added an Advice Article section that we hope to fill with helpful articles pertaining to different struggles that people may go through. These articles are writing by Critics, PoWers and even professional articles, this will be a slow process, but we hope to continue to educate PoWers about what they may encounter in everyday life and how they may go about handling the situation. We have also brought back Journals for people to let it all out--whether someone had a good day, a bad day or any other kind of day, they can let it all out in their journals.

    Along with this new section, we have also brought back the Debate District. If you’re interested in in-depth discussions and debating over topics you’re passionate about, the Debate District is where you want to spend your time.

    This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Robi for our Writer’s Interview. Robi enjoys writing both poetry and short stories that often possess the theme of love and happiness. Learn more about Robi’s writing in his interview and view his work in various places on Psychology of Writing along with on his blog, Poetic Justice.

    A new PoW Prompt has been placed up for all of those who wish to participate. This month's theme is Success. Feel free to also participate and discuss past prompts that can be found in the PoW Prompts forum.

    Last, but not least, we would like the opinions and suggestions of the PoWers . We’re always looking for ways to improve the site, so we are asking that members take a few moments to take part in a completely anonymous survey that. Psychology of Writing would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for its members. Member opinions are important to us as are they as people. We hope that we can continue to learn and grow from one another.

    We’ll see you soon at where we dive into the depths of our minds, to create something extraordinary.


    Our members have made a total of 14,328 posts in 1,097 threads.
    We currently have 117 members registered.
  6. MXrider13

    MXrider13 Regular Member

    My sister would like that, shes a writer.
  7. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Feel free to tell her about us. We'd love to have her! ^^
  8. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    Looks a real nice site. Looks like it's doing very well so far, best of luck with it!
  9. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. ^^ We've worked really hard on it.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Going to join up :)
  11. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    I saw you joined us. We're happy to have you. ^^
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Thanks, I will post when I am little less busy :)
  13. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor


    The PoW Forums have been booming with life this past month. There have been many newly created topics created in our Written Discussion area. Not only have new discussions about writing and art been popping up, but we have also had a lot of new creations by members being posted.

    There has also been a lot of activity in our role-play section. New role-plays have begun, searches have started and continued and new plots have been added. If you’re in search a role-play, Psychology of Writing is a place you need to check out as there always seems to be something new. If you’re currently searching for a new role-play, make sure to check Psychology of Writing out.

    Along with the many pieces created by members and the discussions of different art, there have also been many newly created general discussion topics. There are also many new debates and leisurely topics that have come about.

    There are also been some changes done to our forums. We have, unfortunately, decided to remove the Prompts section as it wasn’t being utilized. This section may return at a later date if there is a high demand for it. We have also added a new forum for the Review of different products such as movies, books, restaurants, cell phones, etc. that members can write about. We hope to see it flourish.

    We have also added a new feature for those of you who enjoy using a specific posting style. We know it can be a pain to manually have to set up the format you want to post with each time, so we decided to add a new feature. This feature can be set up via the user control panel. Simply click on the “Default Posting Style” button at the bottom of the page, which will redirect you to a new page where you will add the posting style you wish to utilize. The system will make it so your posting style will automatically be displayed with each of your posts. We hope you enjoy it.

    We are excited to announce that a new Critic has joined our team. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Mangled Misfit, our newest Creative Critic! Thus far, MM has done a marvelous job as a Creative Critic and we are very happy to have her with us.

    Within the next couple of weeks Psychology of Writing will be holding a creative writing contest. The Critics are still in the process of putting everything together, so make sure to watch your email Inbox for more details. There will be a sign-up for this contest which will also be announced. Now, to what you’ve been waiting for, the prizes. We are trying something a little different this time, instead of graphics and/or an award as a prize, we are offering three cash prizes for the winners. No, this is not a joke, those who place in first, second and third will receive a cash prize. So make sure that if you participate, you do your very best. Remember keep an eye out for more details on this contest.

    We’ll see you soon at where we dive into the depths of our minds, to create something extraordinary.

    Current Stats:

    Our members have made a total of 16,494 posts in 1,218 threads.
    We currently have 138 members registered.
  14. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Today Psychology of Writing has announced the opening of a short story contest. This contest will be a little different from pervious contests held as it will have a sign-up period and the writing assignments will be created for each individual who decides to participate. For a more detailed description and contest deadlines, please visit the Short Story Contest thread on Psychology of Writing.


    For the first time ever, we will be giving out cash prizes! The following increments will be given via PayPal or as an e-gift card.

    1st Place: $15
    2nd Place: $10
    3rd Place: $5

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask within this thread or feel free to PM me. We cannot wait to see the creations that are submitted. Good luck to all who participate!
  15. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    There may be something new appearing on Psychology of Writing sometime in the very near future.
  16. Mr.Hazey

    Mr.Hazey Regular Member

    Nice to see your site still going well SS :)
  17. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Thanks, Rich! We're doing quite well, which is really quite exciting. ^^
    Kaiser likes this.
  18. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Good to hear, your post count has great increased since I last visited. Nice :thumbsup:
  19. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    I hope that it continues to grow as time goes on. ^^
  20. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor


    A lot has been happening this past month on the PoW Forums. Not only has the activity been phenomenal, but also there has also been quite a few changes made to the theme. You will first notice that there are two new items on the navigation bar, “Community” and “Contact,” both of which are drop-down menus. Within the drop-down menus, members and guests can find more information about PoW. You can now easily find your way to the “About Us” page, our awards page, our “Critic Recruit,” our Facebook Page along with our Twitter and more. If your drop-down menu does not show correctly, please press shift and reload your page at the same time to fix the error.

    Thanks to the wonderful designers of Audentio Design we now also have a lighter version of our theme that members can easily change between via their user control panel or with the theme changer found at the bottom of the index page. The Critics also have new ranks and we hope that the PoWers will soon have new ones as well. Along with the new theme, we also have new editors to match each theme. They came out wonderfully, so make sure to make a new topic or reply to an old one to check those out!

    We’ll see you soon at where we dive into the depths of our minds, to create something extraordinary.
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