
Discussion in 'Graphics Showoff' started by Boss, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Here's the clock so far. The numbers need hand adjusting, unfortunately. :( It's Droid Sans-Serif. :) Of course here's two pics, one with the minute hand and one without.

    The rim was pretty easy. All I took was a overlayed and cut layer of brushed aluminum which is basically a noise filter with motion blur and then the color settings tweaked. The hands themselves are 3-4 colors that sway to give a highlight. I got the idea off of a watch I've got.

    My original post? They shouldn't do that. You probably have low sodium in your body.
  2. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    LOL, I haven't finished them. I was supposed to a week ago, since I promised I would. It slipped my mind, but I'll get them before 2009 runs out. :)

    Anyway, here's how the thing looks in Photoshop for me:

  3. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Which one?
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I like the second one. :) But I'm no expert.
  5. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    The lines I made are circles, I warp it to give it a squiggly look. ^^

    Hmm, I like the first one, for some reason the effect on the background of the second one bugs me.
  6. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    So far for what happened with the clock. I only realized making a life preserver was useless since I'd already made a clock, LOL.

    This little piece is actually completely vector in form and the stroke is actually a gradient in the layer blending settings. :)

    Attached Files:

  7. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    I like the clock Boss. And I really like the method you used in creating it so excellent work with that. There's one thing that is really bothering me about it though (and I think you should adopt this suggestion) and that is re-colour the hour & minute hands of the clock to a black or something just short of black. The blue really does throw the whole thing off for me and personally the blue doesn't do it any justice at all.

    Out of curiosity. Is the type (numbers) vectored?
  8. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    I used blue to accent the corporate color scheme I'm going with, but I'll try that short-of-black out. No, I didn't convert-to-vector the numbers. Am I supposed to or not? I'll be fixing the rim too, for some reason it comes out dark.
  9. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    I see. I'm all for using the sites colour scheme but in this case I would have opted for the black. It's no big deal, I just thought that the hour and minute hands would look better in black.

    With regards to the vectored type. It's not vital that you convert. It was merely out of curiosity than anything. Sure I like to view pleasing art but I equally fond of knowing what techniques and methods where used.

    I've converted text to vector shapes a couple of time when I needed to apply perspective and distort to it which would have resulted in a drastic loss of quality as it would have asked me to raster the text layer. In your case I don't think there is a need to because the type is facing you and doesn't pocess any perspective. Not that it needs to unless you plan on adding perspective to the whole clock.
  10. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Oh, I see. The times I have vectored text is when I've gone ahead and made a serif text more fancier, so to speak.

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