I'm officially a professional photographer, now that I've sold my first photo. A marketing firm found one of my photos on Flickr, and inquired about buying it for use in one of their client's "corporate branding" campaigns. The client turned out to be FedEx, and the campaign was their Annual Report. As an added bonus, as it turns out, my photo was purchased to be the cover shot. After about a month of negotiations, we reached a mutual agreement on rights, usage, and payment, and I received my check today. For anyone interested, I've had to remove the photo from Flickr as part of the agreement, but I'm allowed to continue using it as part of my online portfolio. The photo can be viewed on my personal gallery. I'll let you guys know when the AR is released, since they make them available for download in PDF format on their website.
Congratulations =D. Just be sure not to kill anyone with the promise of using them as models. ((Yes, I watch CourtTV))
Whoops! I got several frantic emails and phone calls today from the company I'm working with on this. Turns out today was the day to send everything to the printer, and apparently the art director and the creative director were looking at two different photos of mine, and everything apparently hit the fan. As the woman put it to me in email, "this was a case of too many hands". The photo they need for the project isn't my 3rd Ave at Night photo, but rather my 3rd Ave at Dusk photo. No big deal... just a similar photo with a different feel. But the paperwork to fix this is going to be a nightmare.
Whoops.. Both are great shots. Personally I prefer the Dusk one, not sure why, but like the detail in the offices close by and the scale of it Well done on becoming a pro
Very Cool DD. A lot of my friends are professional photographers, and it is difficult to sell anything. Are you trying to make any money as a photographer, or are you more of a hobbiest who got lucky (and by lucky I am in no way refering to your tallent) and had a shot purchased?
More of a hobbyist right now, but I would love to be able to turn it into a full-time profession if I could. I'm actually doing a lot of work in that direction right now, but it's a tough field because it's very competitive.
I actually had the 3rd Ave at Dusk as my desktop background for a while. I definitely prefer it to the night shot
The report is out, at least in PDF. I'm still waiting for my printed copy. Here's the link, if anyone's interested: http://www.fedex.com/us/investorrelations/downloads/annualreport/2007annualreport.pdf
I also notice it's being displayed in a GIF (in rotation with other photos from the report) on their site with the links to the report. http://www.fedex.com/us/investorrelations/financialinfo/2007annualre port/
Awesome! Did they alter it at all, aside from the obvious white arrow? I don't remember there only being one lit window and I'm too lazy to go look. :tongue: Congratulations! How can I get a printed copy?