
Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Grievous, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Grievous

    Grievous Regular Member

    I love ProBoards, and have been using them for a while.
  2. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    I don't really like them. Its not really customizable. But good for starters :)
  3. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    On the user side I like them,but when it comes to the admin side... I wanna puke...
  4. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    the proboard is good for those starting out on forums, but not the best thing to use if you want to run a huge forum. And like NBK said, I want to puke when messing with the ACP.
  5. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    I find the ACP fine...and proboards is very customisable in comparison to the paid boards. I've done more with proboards than I would be able to with the others. Well, in terms of look at least.
  6. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    I gotta disagree dg, proboards is only a heavily edited yabb se.

    When compared to ipb in terms of customization. IPB easily beats it.

    Case and point -
  7. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    I can easily say I've never seen an IPB forum (FOR FREE) that has been edited to look nothing like IPB.

    It may be YABB, but I still think I would only be able to do what I did due to proboards having high access to coding.
  8. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Acually you are pretty restriced when using a free board.

    For instance with something like smf you can install any mod you want. Tweak anything you want. Also instead of having to use javascript for things to move here or there you can move them yourself.
  9. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    Yes, non free software do have mods, but proboards has coding to replace most mods. The only thing I haven't seen that I would like for proboards is an arcade code that records and ranks scores of users. Other than that, there's no other problems I've come across.
  10. TayneC8

    TayneC8 Regular Member

    The software does have a lot of features, but the layout and the skins are terrible I must say. Worse than any other software.
  11. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    The skin is only as bad as the user who makes it. I've seen some very nice skins out there.
  12. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    SMF is free software not in terms of gpl,but it is free.
  13. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    I agree. PB was the first software that I have ever used. And at the time I had not idea about how to run a forum, and was very intimidated by OF althugh my brother had made me an admin on his forum. While learning about both software at the same time, I quickly realized just how limited it was in comparison, and decided to leave after the release of v4.

    Since then, I have never looked back.
  14. phio_chan

    phio_chan Regular Member

    I don't really like the layout. it's somehow too crowded for me and hard to sort things out. ^^"

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