ProBoards and Forumotion are both Free Forum Hosts which use their own software. Both of them are some of the worst Free Forum Hosts, and I never join ProBoards or Forumotion forums unless I have to, which is never. So if you had to vote for one, which would it be and why? Example: Example: (Forumotion uses a highly modified version of phpBB2&3)
Well proboard i just don't like some reason. forumotion has many themes and there community is pretty nice too. Ill go with forumotion
I would choose ProBaords, I rather go with simple than bloated. Forumotion forums are way customized, too much to the point its not even a regular phpbb.
I agree, there is so much to it. But the reason also im saying forumotion, that i didn't mention is cause i never tried ProBeoard so i can't really like judge it
lol that was not to offend you or anything <3, I can just tell by looking at the both of them, I like neither, but I would go with PB.
Where's the neither option If anything I think I would have to say Forumotion as it has a better styling system than what ProBoards has.
I'd say Forumotion is a bit better because of some of the styles offered. But, it's a bit overdone (in a bad way) in a couple of places.
I wouldn't use both tbh, as I don't like forum hostings. You can't add custom code and make it your own. But if I had to choose: ForumMotion. Proboards doesn't like other languages than English and I used Forummotion a long time ago
If I desperately had to, ForumMotion for me too. Just because of the amount of extras they have on offer.
Yea, they appear to offer more than what ProBoards can, also you can attempt to escape from Forumotion, but you can't from ProBoards
Oh yea, forgot about that.. you can easily convert from Forumotion to a regular copy of phpbb3. But for Proboards you cant as it uses its own software, and im not sure how easy it would to write a converter for it for conversion to phpBB, or MyBB.
ProBoards banned all convertors and crawlers, etc. as it apparantly violates their own terms of service
I can see why, and by the way when you convert from Forumotion, its not a real conversion as its just a crawler which copies everything.. from there to your new board.