I was trying to upload a video as an attachment to go along with one of my threads, but a message popped up saying something about me missing some sort of security token. What happened here?
hmm weird... It could be that they aren't allowed. I know the extensions allowed in most forums are: bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt zip It still should not come up with the security token error...
Sounds like a Windows security issue to me ... what web browser do you use, and what operating system (which Windows version)? And yeah, what type is the video file? (avi, mpeg, etc.) Some people think PowerPoint presentations (pps files) or programs (exe files) are videos also ... Could be that the web browser prevented you from uploading the file (b/c it received an error notification from the operating system), not the web site ...
If you use iTunes or the like and have downloaded the Quicktime file from one of Apple's sites, it might be that it is copy-protected, and hence something might prevent you from uploading it somewhere.
Yeah, could be some kind of copy protection imposed by some kind of Apple DRM ... It reeks of Apple b/c such bugs (user presented with a security token error) normally don't appear in normal Windows applications, and Apple has been notoriously inept at Windows programming.
Did you try to upload the file from your harddisk or from external media? If it's from external media, try to copy it to your harddrive first. This could also be an OLE error from the "driver" for the external media. Such a thing could happen, for example, if you'd try to upload a file from your iPod or cell phone or something, and the driver for that isn't really compatible with Windows 7. I still suspect it has to do with some Apple product though.
These are the extensions we currently support. bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt zip more can be added, but you still shouldn't of gotten the security token error. is this what the error looked like?
So, it's indeed in the forums software?? Weird ... since I know security tokens only from Windows security services, I would guess that it's a bug in a PHP library, or in the database API ... normally, that error means that a return code from a previous call to a Windows security API wasn't checked properly (and hence, a security token was missing the first time it was to be used). It's indeed weird if that occurs because a file type descriptor wasn't found in the database ... but you'd have to look at the code that does the file type check to see where the error is really coming from.
To make matters worse ... the error could also origin from the web server (I'd say it's IIS b/c I've never seen something like that on Apache, but that could also be).
Brandon, do you use IIS to run the forums? And if so, have you checked the settings for permitted file uploads in the IIS security configuration?
Brandon: that is the exact error message that I received. What exactly is a security token anyhow? Monster: the file was originally on my digital camera, which has a function for making short videos, and I saved it to my computer
It means one of the templates need updated, we'll get it fixed up asap. Can you upload the video to YouTube?
You can imagine it like a plastic chip with a number on it that someone puts in your hand. Now imagine that there are various doors that you can enter only if you have that exact chip. It's a mechanism used in Windows to provide access to various system functions. Why the bulletin board software displays such an error message is beyond me ... it's an indicator of a deeply flawed software package, b/c the error message has no direct relation to the actual problem. It's like when you bring your sofa that looks like it has been torn to shreds to a repair workshop and say it's b/c of a ball of wool ... and when the repair man, after much wondering, finally asks you how this happened, then you proceed to explain: Well, my cat was sleeping, and when I dropped the ball of wool, it woke up and played with it, and then became bored and ripped the sofa to shreds ... - so the better message to the repairman would've been "my cat tore my sofa to shreds with its claws". When Brandon says the real problem turned out to be a template that needs to be exchanged that tells me a lot ... it's like when you open the tap and the lights go out. Things that should not happen. - The error message that should've been displayed would be "Incorrect template version. Please install template X version Y." - that the software simply runs into some kind of low-level problem without ever checking the template version is simply extremely bad design.