Pro GFX Contests

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by MomCafe, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    There is not many sections as its mainly for contests in the certain sections. But as suggestions roll in the bigger it may become.

    Tell me what you think. I am about to start a contest for a logo for the site itself as well as thinking of posting a invite contest for graphic designers as well as possible contest holders.

    Contests are free to list as well as free to enter.

    Pro GFX Contests - Powered by vBulletin
  2. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I like it!!!! A lot!!! ;) I joined <3
  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    Visually, I find it really bland with all the greys and blues. It's lacking any kind of contrast and theres no colours that jump out at you. Being graphics orientated I feel the the style needs to have a graphical element to it and to me the style looks generic.

    There's no logo, Might explain why your holding a contest (I only just noticed that). There also seem to be images missing on the index page. The missing icons are the get new post, create new thread, subscribe & Rss icons. Unless it's text your wanting to show I think the implementation of some nice looking icons might add some colour to the page.

    There's just too many default images still lurking in the style. Threadmarkers are one and various others which you should change for something custom, even something exclusive that your site has. Personally, I would rid the style it's just so bland and uninviting the title of the style really fits the name the author titled it.

    Personally, I would look for a style that fits a graphic forum, or, go with something extreme but with this style it's just very bland in my opinion.

    Regardless of my review, goodluck with your site. ;)
  4. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    I went ahead and changed the style to a much more Web 2.0 style. I also have the contest for a logo to go on a white background so it can be used on anything.
  5. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I prefer this template to the previous one; it's much lighter. Honestly, it's still bland but I'm sure that will change in time with the addition of a logo and whatever customizations you end up making :)
  6. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    The new style has a cleaner layout for sure. But it's still bland and blue. I think though, that this style has a very good foundation for you to build from though. The potential is there to add in other colours (esp to the graphics) like the logo, forum status icons and other forum graphics. If you can break the blue out using other colours the style visuals will look visually more appealing 10 fold.

    I always tell people they will always be amazed what a few custom images will make to a style and you won't go wrong by breaking the mould here with this style by using different coloured graphics.

    Personally, I would remove the other styles. The last thing you want is multiple styles when an update comes meaning more time on maintenance/updating.
  7. Blackout

    Blackout Addict

    Sounds like a unique idea though it does seem a bit empty at the moment. Other than that, nice work.
  8. MomCafe

    MomCafe Adept

    True its a bit empty but that is the whole concept on having the logo contest on there at the moment. I was hoping more designers would join and participate.

    I also had hoped that if enough designers knew about the place then so would contest holders learn about it as well. I have tried posting a bit in DP but I am not really a known person over there so I don't think enough are interested or are sure about me just yet.

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