Postloop is a free automated post exchange for your forums.. You sign up, upload a tracking file to your forums root so they know how many posts your subscribers have, and then you get points for posting on other peoples websites. When you have points, people post on your website, and that 'spends' your points, I've been using this for about a week now, and although it does take effort (about 30mins a day, depending on how many forums you're subscribed to), it works, my forums are getting posted on daily whereas before they were simply lying in the dust not getting posts for weeks on end. Check it out; (Note; this isn't my site)
Thanks for posting it. Is it similar to the old postfusion setup, which Ryan setup when he ran adminfuision?
I signed up our forum and if anyone wants to check out the other forums and uses this link it'll help General-Forums as well
I just removed our forum I don't have time to post on other forums nice idea though, just not something that'll work for me