Does Xenforo have a post review system similar to phpBB3? I keep missing new posts that are made in threads whilst I am already replying to what is already there because you guys are way to fast for me
No, you make a new post in a thread, and if someone has also just made a post before you whilst you are in the process of replying, that post appears on your screen to alert you of that new post so you can edit yours if needs be.
Oh no I know what you mean, yea we dont have a system like that in xenforo. I think I heard there would be a mod for it.
I agree. There are times when someone replies to something while I'm doing likewise, and you go back to the topic in question, and it's like, "wait a sec, I don't recall this being there!" I think that's why I like softwares like PHPBB so much, is because if someone makes a reply at the same time as you, then you can at least catch it and make any changes to your response, in case your response comes to the same as the last one.
If you post something the same as the post before you though, you could just edit your post, none the less this would be a good feature.