post exchanges

Discussion in 'Monetization Techniques' started by Demon_skeith, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    post exchanges, this is possibly the best way to keep a forum going now and days. I believe the only way these work is if the person does a active exchange with another. One other way that works is that if you do a bunch of short exchanges but these only bring you more inactive members and not very many posts.

    However you do it, do you use post exchanges for your forum?

    p.s. I'm always up for a active/active so drop me a PM if interested.
  2. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    I love post exchanges they always help.
  3. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I have to agree, not only does your forum get posts but if allowed you can advertise your forum in a forum's sig.
  4. kasem

    kasem Regular Member

    Yeah, they really work!
  5. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    I use them to get some new activity going on my forum.. and perhaps to add some new members.. but that is about it.. I am currently on 3 active exchanges, and that is about it for me.. anything else after this point will be a one time thing.

    The thing I hate most about post exchanges, is when you have an admin who has 0 content on their board. It is as though they expect the post exchanges to make their board active.
  6. Corza

    Corza Regular Member

    Yes i agree they are the best way but too much is not good
  7. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I wouldn't say that. I love to post on other forums and if I could get up to 10 active exchanges then my forum would be booming.
  8. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    amen brother. Another good thing about them is their forum normally allows sig advertising. Which means more backlinks and possible members.

    Its a win win situation.
  9. Ferron

    Ferron Regular Member

    What are some good sites to find post exchanges?
  10. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Check My Promotion Site List ;).
  11. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    it's a epic win win situation as chances are better that your link is getting out more through sig advertising and at the same time your forum is getting posts.
  12. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    Not if people have signatures disabled in their profile settings.. I often do this because of those who have obnoxiously huge signatures..
  13. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    It still means backlinks though.
  14. deathlypoet888

    deathlypoet888 Regular Member

    I think they are normally only good if your forum is new and needs topics, and active-active exchanged normally don't last to long in my experience.
  15. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I got one that has been going on for nearly two years now. between him and me we got about 2000 posts on each others forum.
  16. Sarah

    Sarah Regular Member

    I've done quite a few, it's definitely helpful for getting a variety of new topics, and posts ^_^
  17. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Oh really now.. I have had a few last more then 6months. I find that getting active for active is a great way to also get new members. You become a normal member on the others forum. So you get to know everyone and then they go let me chekc his forum. Boom you have a new member.
  18. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    I think that it all depends on how much content you have to begin with. If you have like 3 posts on your forum and about 60 empty forums, then yeah, it is pretty safe to say that your activity exchanges won't last very long. In fact, you probably wont get many exchanges at all.

    But, if you have a froum that has TONS of content, and you are exchanging with another forum who has as much content as you do, then yeah, it is highly likely that you will have a much longer exchange. I am currently on 7 activity exchanges, 3 of which I've had going since last Aug. - Dec. and they have been on daily.

    Even on my one time only exchanges, I've had members stick around after our exchange was complete, simply because they enjoyed being on my forum so much.
  19. holo man

    holo man Regular Member

    yes, post exchange really helpful.
  20. nolvorite

    nolvorite Regular Member

    It can be very helpful if you use it, although it bothers me sometimes if all the posts I get are from post exchanges :c

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