See, still stuck at one blue and four red despite many NEW TOPIC posts! That is what that counts, right?? [EDIT] Dang- NOW it works- make a liar out of me... Oh well, never mind. Ah, HA but the password out of sync problem is still there... [Edited by CaptKirk @ June 08, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
Hmmm. We have ghosts in the house, that are playing with the users. . Where is Bruce Willis when you need him? ------------------ Alien - Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
(whispering) I see dead deals... (ominous music and sounds of breaths in the background) . Honest they were stuck for the longest time. I think my cookie being out of whack may have contributed to that ghost- it seemed to correct AFTER I got my cookie together. ------------------ Scotty, the native aliens here ARE friendly...