Post count

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by The Hat Tipper, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. The Hat Tipper

    The Hat Tipper Regular Member

    Is there a way to show a users post count on the left hand side by their 'likes' and 'trophies'?

    Be helpful for me at least :)
  2. Sakura

    Sakura Regular Member

    You can click on peoples avatars and it shows you. :P
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea xenforo is unique with different features. Like how sakura told you, just click it and the member card will pop up.
  4. The Hat Tipper

    The Hat Tipper Regular Member

    Oh hey! That's nifty! I never saw that, thank you :)
  5. Sakura

    Sakura Regular Member

    Closed since it's solved. :)

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