Site Name: Post BombSite URL: http://postbomb.netDescription: Our main target is improve your forum/blog's activity, we offer many services: Posting Packages - Every forum owner want more activity on their boards. We are here to help you, our team will make new posts and threads on your forum. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). Section Revival - A section of your board is dying or completely died? We are here to help you, our team will make new posts and threads on a single section. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). Banner advertising - Need more traffic for your site? We are here to help you, your banner will be added to our banner rotator on the top and bottom of every forum page. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). Signature advertising - Need more traffic for your site? We are here to help you, your text ad will be added to the signature of every member of our staff team. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$) Signature Advertising - Need more traffic for your site? We are here to help you, your text ad will be added to the signature of every member of our staff team. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). YouTube Service - Need more views/subscribers/comments for your YouTube Video? We are here to help you, we will increase your views, add video comments and subscribe to your YouTube video! You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). E-Mail & PM Advertising - Every forum owner want more activity on their boards. We will send some PMs and E-Mails to our members. You won't spend a cent when ordering this service, it's paid using our forum cash (PB$). Contests & Events - All official competitions and events are posted here, our main competition is the FOTM (forum of the month). Affiliates - Become a Post Bomb affiliate. Link Directory - Add your forum to our links directory, it will be exposed to all members. Free backlinks for your forum. Your Name on the Board: Loading
Thanks Terrorz! Our members have made a total of 1,042 posts in 231 threads. We currently have 44 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, Leon. The most users online at one time was 12 on 11-27-2010 at 11:52 PM
Screen is perfect in my desktop, i would like to suggest you to add the "new post" , " no new post" and the "forum locked" buttons though (or is my firefox cheating on me ?).
Thanks for the feedback guys, the skin is working good on my desktop and my brother's laptop... We have the buttons but they are small (new posts , no new posts , locked ). Our members have made a total of 1,123 posts in 235 threads. We currently have 45 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, aragorn The most users online at one time was 12 on 11-27-2010 at 11:52 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys! Our members have made a total of 1,268 posts in 254 threads. We currently have 49 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, McStormify The most users online at one time was 12 on 11-27-2010 at 11:52 PM
Our members have made a total of 1,459 posts in 268 threads. We currently have 50 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, Lounger The most users online at one time was 13 on Yesterday at 10:04 PM
Our members have made a total of 1,581 posts in 299 threads. We currently have 57 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, ChiTown The most users online at one time was 13 on 12-01-2010 at 10:04 PM