PM limit

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Goshzilla, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. Goshzilla

    Goshzilla Regular Member

    just wondering what the limit for PM's are. I've been unable to send messages recently, so I was just curious.
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    All PM boxes are set to a maximum of 30 for the inbox, but I can bump that up a little. :)
  3. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member

    Is it Halloween already?!?!:eek:
  4. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    4 weeks away, can never start celebrating Halloween too early!


    ...btw, limit bumped up to 45.
  5. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    :rolleyes: I just friggen deleted most of em... oh well... stupid me...
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

  7. Goshzilla

    Goshzilla Regular Member

    By talking to the other person, I noticed that the sent messages seemed to count for the total 30. So 5 message in the inbox filled it up and then only 3 the next time. So they just needed to clean out those and all was well.
  8. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Yeeee-hah! Halloween .. wheee! Free candy, mwa ha ha ha!!

    Cool, I only got 15 pm's in total, and I can't see that increasing anytime soon, but if it does .. thanks for telling me the limits Alien ... now, if only 30 of my friends would send me PMs, wait a second, if only I had 30 friends to send me PMs .. :P
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