Please review C&C4U

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by master412160, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    Forum URL:

    Forum Name: C&C4U - Command and Conquer 4 You

    Launch Date: 2 days ago. On the 5th of July

    Posts/Threads/Members: 195 posts, 102 topics, 13 members
    Forum Software: MyBB

    Description: A new fan community of C&C to enjoy discussing and learning with other members about all C&C games

    Other Info/Points of Interest: We aim to be a place of discussion where members can meet and share what they want. We also aim to be unique have our own character.

    2 things we are missing:

    Members who post. And unique content.

    Some work I am planning to make more of:
    1. (Video) Renegade: Obelisk of Opression
    2. (BR) Isle of War - Russia VS USA!
  2. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    bump, we would want to know what you think of us. We just boughed a new domain, so you can find us over at C&C4 You

    I would love to hear what you think.
  3. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Looks very slick. Much work was put into that. Nice. : )

    Not too many forums, not too spread out, looks good to me.

    One suggestion I do have, you may want to indicate what C & C is for the people randomly finding your forum. The only hint that I got by glancing at the forum was this discription where it indicates it is a game.

    "All the updates about the C&C games will be post here"
  4. master412160

    master412160 Regular Member

    I thank you for you review, Command and Conquer is a serie of games. Like Red Alert, REd alert 2, 3, kanes Wrath, et ...

    Are all C&C games. We are going to look even more nice when we get our selfs a custom theme.

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