Howdy Folks, Within the next few days I'll be moving OKJT to a different host. I'll have to close the board on this host in order to move it. Once the move is complete I'll reopen the board on the new host. You will continue to see a board closed message until your ISP updates it's DNS cache. To get updates faster you can use a free service like Open DNS. Thanks, Dan
What are we going to do with ourselves while the board is down?????? Hope the move goes well. Thanks for letting us know.
Thank you for the advanced warning and software suggestion as well...hope it is not too much work for you:winkpill:
I did the move a little earlier than expected. We're live on the new host. Please let me know if you notice any issues.
Well the new host has been quite speedy and responsive. I'm impressed. OKJT was a test case for moving to a new host. vBulletin (the software that powers OKJT & ODJT) is notoriously tough on servers but offers a great feature set. Hence ODJT and OKJT were on their own server along with a few other sites. On Wednesday, ODJT will moving to a different host on a similar plan as OKJT. They've assured me they can handle us. Wish me luck.
We're going to have some more downtime this afternoon/evening as I shuffle around some accounts again. Sorry for the inconvenient, this should be the last downtime for the foreseeable future.
And we're back again. This is the last downtime we'll have for the foreseeable future. Thank you all for your patience.