okay, call me a nitpicker, but it bugs me: the little thing at the bottom of each page of a topic says "This topic has x page(s)" wouldn't it be easy to make it say "page" when there's one, and "pages" when there's more than one? i don't know whatever language you're using to write this stuff, but in all the languages i know, it's easy... ---------------------------- This message will self-destruct in 5...4...3...
. i never noticed that. I think you are right though. Fix the problem. ---------------------------- accept what God and nature has given us each day with appreciation and gratitude, and never give up because somehow, somewhere were going to find fish and have a great time fishing!!!
yep, you sure are picky . It just needs a little bit of the code changed. Perhaps Alien will do it for the next version.
And how about adding a "Next Page" and "Previous Page" link to the "1 2 3 4 5 ..." links? ---------------------------- "May those who love us love us. And those who don't love us-- may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping." -- Keeping the Faith
Just my personal preference, but an option in preferences to view the entire thread on a single page would be great. I, personally, hate having to go from page to page to page. If the entire thread were just laid out in front of me, all I'd have to do is scroll down to see everything. Not sure if that's possible with UBB. Hopefully, it is, and isn't too difficult to implement. ---------------------------- spidergoolash: "heh, a cup of diesel dan - mwahhha" me: "heh, a cup of me is like a cup of heaven!"
The page(s) problem mentioned is now changed in the new forums. . Watch for it. ---------------------------- Alien - Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
I will ask around about this and see who may be willing to code this adjustment, and see if it's doable. It has never been a user preference option of this software to date, and yes it would be pretty cool. I'm just not sure how it would do on the resources front. ---------------------------- Alien - Administrator / Owner ["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
I've also got a suggestion which is sorta relevant here. After a thread has reached ten pages, wouldn't it be better to have a link to the last page than having links to seventy-eight pages, like with the original Word Association thread. ---------------------------- "Don't let what's never been consume you like the night. To regret is to lose the fight." - Dalriada