
Discussion in 'phpBB Discussions' started by Ruko, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    So, hows phpBB? To my opinion, phpBB is the best forum software out there. Many styling options, many features, just the best Open Source Forum out there.
  2. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    I dislike phpbb it is way to messy.

    Making a theme for it not to easy due to their tags.

    Installing mods on phpbb is like going back to the stone age.

    Installing themes isn't to hard,but it could be easier.

    All in all I dislike phpbb when compared to others like mybb and smf.
  3. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    Well to tell ya the truth, if you use phpBB often, you will get used to it, and then theme installing, mod installing, and all those advanced stuff will be easy. Its easy for me because I've been using phpBB since 4 years ago, where I got into forums.
  4. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Yeah thats the thing. Why learn some so difficult when you have other forum software hat has everything phpbb has and even more. Plus the ease of use.
  5. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    *sigh* well hopefully, phpBB4 will be finished soon
  6. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Yeah they haven't even started 3.1 so phphbb4 is far away =]. I do hope it is good though.
  7. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    Well they are making phpBB4 right now. Its a rewrite so hopefully, its better to install mods :)
  8. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Incorrect it is only being planned. They are currently working on 3.1 then 3.2 ;).
  9. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I'm using PHPBB at the moment. I really like it. It's kind of hard to use as far as maintence goes and things like that, but I really like it overall otherwise.
  10. Grievous

    Grievous Regular Member

    I like phpBB. It's pretty easy to use.
  11. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    Maybe there should be a phpBB3 category
  12. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    We might later,but for right now we only have a mybb and other forum software section.

    When more people come along and request it,it shall be done.
  13. TayneC8

    TayneC8 Regular Member

    I think there mods are the easiest to install, just takes longer. phpBB3 overall in my opinion is the better, easier software.
  14. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    Easiest mods to install O.O? You are crazy... They have the hardest to install. Their way of installing them is so outdated when compared to about every other major forum software.
  15. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    But at least it has good layout!
  16. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I got to agree with NBK, when I had a friend trying to get phpBB mods instead he had a hell of time and always had to get help.
  17. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    I'm not much for this software but I will say that phpbb 3 is a big set up from phpbb 2.
  18. phio_chan

    phio_chan Regular Member

    I think it's the simplest. it might not be the best, but it's from phpBB where I learned all about forums, so yeah. ^^
    I'm using phpBB3 now and I like it so far. nice layout.
    Brandon likes this.

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