Here's a few I've taken lately. I've enjoyed doing either macro or long exposure pictures. I'm far from a pro, but I've managed to snap a few good ones over time: Ant Monarch Caterpillar Spider Bees
Thanks. It shocked me, when I tried to pick it up, these antennae popped out of its head and stunk up my whole kitchen. Wasn't expecting that.
My camera is not great and some of the sharpness has been lost in resizing it but here is a recent effort. I am interested in getting into photography more and will be looking for a new camera soon.
Tried to get some practice doing portraits. Kids can be tough, so I figured if I could get some good kids portraits, it might show I'm doing well. Got this one of my cousin Samantha, who as adorable as she is, acts like the devil towards me. This was truly serendipitous timing, as immediately before the shot, she was looking away from me, and immediately after, sticking her tongue out at me.
diesel> you really should submit this to some photo contest, you would like totally win. this is one of the most perfect child photographs i've ever seen. the black and white enhances the beauty of her even more. i wish i could get pictures like this of my kids, but i can't - they move too fast and my camera is too damn slow :lol:
cool dragonfly my husband was able to capture this with our old 3 megapixel digital camera yesterday.
it's so close we can't even see it! :tongue: the dragonfly is nice though. and yeah, diesel, that picture is awesome.
Great photo diesel. And I like the dragonfly one, the other is showing a red cross for me at the moment. Took another one today, another Peony. And now I have opened a flickr account the first one again.
Snapped these over the weekend. Took an hour or so to just get a few good ones, but I suppose that's to be expected. Found this little guy in my blueberry bushes Finally got a good bee shot Some very small bee, about 5mm I estimate A decent ant shot
Nice shot, Goshzilla. I'm fairly sure that's a garden orb weaver, since it looks very similar to this lady I shot in my backyard about 2 years ago. I did some research on them. They're pretty timid and harmless to humans, although they do eat some rather nasty pests, so they're more beneficial than anything.
Looks like he was busy with a fly in that picture. By the way, what sort of lighting was used to get that spider picture you took. It came out really nice. Most of mine end up being washed out in spots, so I'm not sure if I need some sort of lens filter.
That was taken at night with a Nikon D70, Tamron 90mm Di Macro lens, and SB-800 flash mounted on camera with a dome diffuser. No other light was present, other than a small light behind me which didn't contribute to the exposure. Shot was taken handheld, manual focus at closest focus distance for 1:1 magnification.
Ah, I see. I need to look more into lighting since I'm currently dead against flash photography. A personal choice really, but stems from how bad I find the stock flash on most cameras make the shots look. Do you have any experience with ring lights mounted on the lens.