Photography Buffs

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by Diesel, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    My latest foray with life-size macro:

    It really needs to be seen at Original size to be appreciated.
  2. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven Regular Member

    Photography's something I always wanted to get into, but I never had the money.

    I'll get a digital camera and take pictures to post here when I can afford it.

    My brother has had some of his photos put into Calendars. I'd post some of them if I had them.
  3. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    augh, nasty diesel! but awesome picture.

    i believe that's a centipede, rather than a silverfish. and it WILL get big and nasty.
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Actually, it won't. It met with a rather untimely demise at the hands of the infamous crime duo of Ms. Dana and Mr. Charmin.
  5. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    hah, nice. resizing my artsy fartsy pictures now.
  6. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    first set of 5...

    1. Times Square
    2. Kite-flying place in Rhode Island
    3. Sunset and storm over the Banana River when I first got to Florida Last year
    4. Driving around town, I think. Awesome.
    5. Chicago Skyline

    Attached Files:

  7. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    second set of 5...

    1. Smoke from a controlled burn (I think it was controlled) at Cape Canaveral
    2. My friend doing something crazy. He landed it.
    3. Mt Hood from Timberline Lodge, tinted all purty
    4. Cape Canaveral from the air, with some cool clouds at my level
    5. Statue in Biloxi, MS reaching towards ruined highway 90. Used to reach for the sky...

    Attached Files:

  8. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    4 more...

    1. My friend and his new bride, arriving at their wedding reception. Not sure why, but I looove this picture.
    2. Shuttle Atlantis on the pad, awaiting launch. Taken from the air, obviously. After this they rolled it halfway back in for Ernesto, then put it back on the pad, then got delayed, then finally launched it last Saturday.
    3. High-n-dry ski lift at Timberline Lodge. It was like 90 there, very unusual for that altitude and location.
    4. A dock in Biloxi, MS, still pretty ruined. This isn't the ocean, it's an inland waterway.

    Attached Files:

  9. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    last 3

    1. Double rainbow from the parking lot of a local restaurant
    2. Picnic tables and sunset
    3. Widdle puppy dog... not mine though

    Attached Files:

  10. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    I like the double rainbow, the fallen statue guy, and the guy driving around with his dog :)
  11. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    thanks mthy! :)

    (there's TWO wrinkle dogs in that car!!)
  12. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Went on a photostroll through Asbury Park yesterday with a group from Flickr.
    I had a great time, and it was great to see how everyone shot the same thing from different angles and different perspectives. It also helped having all of them there to discuss technique and equipment.

    My shots from the outing:
  13. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    Here's kind of an action shot I took at my visit to the NC Zoo. Obviously this isn't part of the attraction but I thought it was a pretty cool shot.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  14. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Now that is an awesome picture.

    Diesel what wonderful pictures. What a beautiful family you have and it is also nice to see what you look like also.

    John I also love the double rainbow picture. And in that mini car is that you behind the wheel?
  15. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    i love that bee getting ready to make a landing.
  16. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    nope, rosebud, that's not me... i was driving behind him and had to shuffle my camera and continue driving to get the shot :lol:
  17. lobo

    lobo Guest

    How can I miss such great thread :eek:

    MJ>> You definitely has a style. My favorites :

    1.1 The Times square is great and metallica-futuristic, yeah ... that's bladerunner's place ...
    1.3 The Pineapple Tree on the pina-colada like sunset - that's the essencia of Florida.
    2.1 Stairway to heaven - bi-directional way.
    3.2 Flying saucer depot ... that's pure lines and perspective, and saucers ready to fly :lol:

    MJ, Did You make those photo with usual film camera? Looks like it is not a digital camera, especially rainbow and pineapple tree.

    Alyth >> Your flying bee is awesome! :yay:
  18. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    :lol: thanks lobo! i took all of them with my pentax optio s5i, which is a tiny point-and-shoot 5mp digital camera. i try to pay attention to light though, which may be why they don't look digital.

    my camera is actually not working correctly right now, which is bumming me out, but i'll figure something out.
  19. spidergoolash

    spidergoolash Regular Member

    dan> i love all your photos, but for some reason i really like the "last vestiges" howard johnson sign. it would look great in black and white. and sunlit bulbs. so pretty.

    and mj, some of yours are really wild. i like the first bladerunneresque one :cool: the flippy guy (holy crap - how'd he do that??) and the statute on the ground. the last one is screensaver material.

    heck, they all are.
  20. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    MJ: those are really good photos! I can't decide if I like the two bulldogs in the car or the guy back flipping off the boardwalk. Some of those aerial shots are awesome! Very nice pics!
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