Noticed this today, anyone know anything about it? Phorum | Open Source PHP Forum Software I find it intriguing for some unexplained reason.
Phorum is the grandadddy of php/mysql forum software. It was the very first. In fact in the wrox php programming book one of the code examples is from Phorum. I think the coder of Phorum helped to write the book.
Well that would explain why it looks intriguing. I am in search of a viable forum software at the moment, any comments on how well that works?
It works very well. I ran it myself on my first site. Back then it was either Phorum or Matt Wrights wwwboard script. I haven't looked at it in a while. I would be willing to bet the coding quality is still top notch and would bet it would be a good solution for a startup.
Wow, I haven't installed a Phorum in years... Years ago, I wouldn't have recommended it, but I have no idea about newer versions.
PHORUM review that includes demo's of the software. It is rated 8 of 10 and the Users (53 votes) give it a 7 of 10.