Very nice work there, very clean looking and smart The only possible thing I could complain about would be the grey under your footer, maybe make it the same size as the grey above the header? Overall it looks excellent!
Thanks guys. You can see a live version of this at Tell me what you think and what can be improved.
I'm quite fond of that, Ryan. There's something about its simplicity that is attractive. It's color-coordinated, easy on the eyes, and very "to the point". If there's one thing that bothers me, it's the fact that clicking on "About Me" links you right to the same page. Maybe remove the link and instead tie it to "Ryan Bagley" above?
>< I really like how it looks, so cute! But oh-so-simple, that's you I guess? A personal site is something that represents you. If you're clean, minimalistic, simple yet somewhat complicated with a hint of fun, then you've done a great job.
And also, have you considered integrating your Twitter updates into the website (i.e. rather than having a direct link, why not have the updates post right to the index page)?
Looks very nice! But you're missing spaces after some commas and between "Directorat" and "basedand" (which you might want to change to "based in and raised").
I like it other then the fact that its soo small, i understand if your trying to make it for it looks nice on just about any screen size but it just seems extremely small to me. other then that complaint i like it.
Looks like a BLATENT ripoff of Tim Van Damme Tim Van Damme and you're so special he even mentions you in his wall of shame Wall of Shame classless man, quite classless.