People lieing/rant

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Michael, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Do you get anyone spreading lies about your website/yourself/staff on the net? Would you intervene on another site to clarify things?

    We get quite a bit of it with people making up complete and utter nonsense on competing forums, for example, we apparently banned someone because we offered them a mod position and then they said no and we gave them an apparent ban, ah well, the more they go on and on about us the more exposure we gain. We dont bother to clarify it anymore ourselves.
  2. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    It has happened to me as i explained in about 3 threads, but i believe this is
    the correct thread. :) So i hire a friend to be a Super Moderator. A few days
    we start posting content, then i post some staff updates and such. I get a pm
    about my thread being edited. I leave it alone, as the day goes by, more of my threads
    are being edited by him, then 6 of them get deleted. I ask him why he does it, he says
    if a thread isnt needed, i feel it should be deleted. I get mad and ban him for a day
    to cool off. Next thing i hear that hes talking about me on another site, i go there,
    read his thread. Talk to other people about it, they understand. I dont like liars and
    members that dont get what they want on your forum, go wild over a one day ban.
  3. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Exactly. Especially if you know that you're in the right. People may believe the liar, and some may be gullible enough to only follow that side of the story, but there will be people who do some research and find that the liar has a worse reputation.
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Thats the thing with these people, the lies get said under unknown users to us on other forums, we really wish we could find out who they really are. To make up a lie someone must be at least slightly annoyed for some reason but then again you get all kinds on the net who will sit and make up stuff for no reason other to put a site down.

    Well as long as were in their mouths were doing well :D
  5. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    And when they mention our site, and add the domain.
    look at the guest views. Alot of hits ;)
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    It's pretty supercilious when people do this. Not only competitors do it, but people who are butthurt with a dispute that you had with "such" person. It seems to me that they really have nothing better to do, I mean, what the hell is with them?

    Either way, it's a low move, competitor or not.
  7. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    ppfffttt, I get people lying about me all the time. I used to get upset. But then I figured, those who know me will know different. Those who choose to believe such junk weren't friends to begin with.

    Sure it still hurts, but there comes a time when you got to learn to let it roll off your back. It'll drive you nuts if you don't.
  8. paulh

    paulh Novice

    I said from the start as a mod that my actions would be done on open board. If I believed in my actions as a mod then I had nothing to hide. I have stuck to that.

    Thus if anyone trash talks me, the board or my actions, on a board "elsewhere" I can simply post on that "elsewhere" and say "Come look at what really happened.
  9. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Theres a big difference in saying half truths or lie about the truth but these people are actually making up fictitious crap out of nothing which makes it harder to defend.
  10. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Welcome to the internet, home of rumors and baseless attacks.
    Being someone who calls it like he sees it, I have seen a lot of that, honestly, and I find it funny.
  11. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    It isnt too funny when you know it is fabricated, oh well at least theyre advertising us even in a bad way :D
  12. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Oh, I'm with you 100% there, believe me. Not funny, but it's just one of those things that people will do because they're, well, misinformed, to put it nicely.
  13. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    i would intervene, but my co-admin wouldnt! im the angry one...somehow my rivals think shes the one telling me to do things to them but i would have said worse if she didnt stop me!!!

    theres been many lies posted about our forum, the staff and the members on another badly moderated forum we post on, like how she is going to hack us, how we stop our members talking to her (she does this though, bans people for joining our forum or adding us on facebook), how my co-admin is an alcoholic and stole her boyfriend, how the forums most notorious troll is actually one of our forum members

    we rarely respond anymore in the hope they will get bored....i remember once about a year ago there was a massive flame war between me, my co-admin, our ex admin, 2 mods, about 3 of our members, and 3 of their admin, 5 mods and most of their members. it lasted about a week before a mod saw it and closed the thread
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've only had this happen once, and that person was an active member here :eek:
    The only thing you can do is defend yourself where you can, and carry on. Don't let them think it's bothering you, they will lose interest if you ignore them. ;)

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