I know a lot of use here use PayPal to accept payments hence the reason I'm asking. Has anyone gotten roped into the "PayPal Payment Card" https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/use-paypal-in-stores? I requested one though I don't know why, I already have the Debit card. I've noticed my local Dollar General advertises use PayPal Here. It didn't make much sense to me at the time (what do I login via the card reader?) However, now it does. My guess is PayPal is promoting the 'payment card' so they're able to avoid interchange fees on the debit Mastercard. You will be able to use the PayPal "Payment Card" anywhere "Use PayPal here" is advertised and the PayPal debit card anywhere Mastercard is accepted - I guess?
Interesting, and if a crook has hacked someones details or stolen the phone? I hope that Pay pal has not rushed this through and has set in place sufficient safety measures.
I had one of the paypal cards the last 2 years, the one I have now has expired but it was nice to be able to spend what I have in paypal with a swipe.
It is until you lose your wallet, cancel it, and then wait a month for a replacement. Man was I pissed. PayPal kept telling me they shipped 2 days after I requested a replacement. I call BS - 3.5 weeks to come in the mail.
Me either but I did. I was lucky someone found it within 20 minutes and Facebooked me while I was tearing my car apart looking for it. I had been going to crazy looking for my wallet to look at my phone. By the time I looked at FB, I'd already called and cancelled everything.
This is the first time I'm hearing about any card issued by PayPal. I don't think we really need a card when PayPal has already provided with loads of services. But still, I am talking from a perspective of a country, where there are still some businesses which lack PayPal payment!