Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Especially, 1st time user experience, Skins options (5 to choose from including default) and layout including Portal Page I really don't mind constructive critisism.........:o
First... give people a NSFW warning, that would be my first critique. The t-shirt babes graphics in the header are very wonky for me, I cannot read the writing on the one on the right, if I am supposed to be able to?
I'm confused??? Why a NSFW warning, we have no adult rated stuff on the forum at all??? As for the header, your not supposed to read it, it's just there for it's artistic Thanks
The style is a little generic for my taste. Mixing vbulletin stock images with custom variations paves the way for inconsistency. There are tons of default imagery still lingering throught the style which i find looks terrible especially with/on this style. The colours need breaking out a little which would stop the dominating blue. With a few image replacements and some template enhancements as well as some changes in the main style css the style would be a vast improvement. In it's current state, there's nothing i like about it.
Style: The best style the site has, is the default vBulletin style. For a custom graphics site/painting site (at least thats what I took it for), I'd assume some higher level of customization and better use of graphics for a theme honestly. At the very least some custom status icons. Content: The site seems to be fairly active and has a lot of nice unique content. Nice forum layout, and not to many forums. I think I'd hide the ones that guests can't see the content in though. The guest welcome notice it appears you've customized, however it doesn't really give any information on what the site is about. I'd try to customize that some and let visitors know what the site is about, and benefits of registering. I'd remove the default welcome notice (you may have from your default skin), from all the skins. I'm currently looking at the vBulletin Default style, and its still present there. Perhaps a slightly more legible logo, or atleast something thats a tad more clear and apparent to the visitors! Great start for a site, and best of luck with it.
Has your site changed since the previous comments? I don't see any graphics, just a basic interface page... I do like the site otherwise!