Fresh new website just opened called: PaidPackages. Were admins of old & new forums can get a post boost within 12 days of buying a package. Each package has different amounts and different times to complete by. So check out my site at: PaidPackages
I like the first page I went to, it said enter site and enter forum. The forum is kinda plain, but decent.
Like, the forum front page, just looks kinda boring, a logo that has the same colors as the front page of the selection of the forum or site can be great. Maybe its jsut me, maybe its not, it just seems kinda plain or boring to me.
You mean the whole site is a matching colour? Well a site looks rubbish if it has a blue website and red forums :huh:
I don't think you need a forum with the site, if you want to keep it, then get rid of some of them forums. Right now there are 14, make it around 8 or something and merge some of them.
Looks good but some of the writing is white and so is the background, so you can't read it unless you highlight it all. Apart from that, it looks better than how it did before. Well done