Google have updated it's pageranking today for the second time this year, see if your website has gone up or down. I've had a few changes: TheCoDZone - pr4 to pr3 WhatRanking - pr0 to pr2 Cardevoters - pr0 to pr2 Thetechforum - pr3 to pr2 Cod7forum - pr0 to pr3
My personal blog went up to PR of 1. Normal this not a big deal, but I have not even put any work into the site's SEO and I only have 2 articles.
You gotta be kidding, we went from no PR to a PR3. I am so happy right now, I was expecting at least a PR1.
Well, on the last PR update before this one, PH went from PR0 to PR4, which was way better than expected
Looks like I didn't do enough SEO work, I am still pr0 . I knew I was being to casual building links.
then that's probably not old enough to be able to be fully detected, I know my site waited at least 6+ months before being assigned a PR