Over Competitive Forums?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Kaiser, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. KMRock

    KMRock Regular Member

    I think its somewhat harsh that you won't let competing forums be advertised. I understand though.
  2. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Just a question for you: If you think it's harsh and that you understand, why are you doing it both in your welcome thread, which I removed and in your signature?
  3. moneymakingmom

    moneymakingmom Regular Member

    I'm the same way. My forum is all about community, it's a place where anyone interested can find safe haven to talk about the things they want. The community serves the needs of the individual. And, the average forum user has multiple forums they frequent daily, like a butterfly flitting from one flower to the next looking for the best offerings.

    It's not about competition, as you say, but the subtle competition does keep all us forum admins on our toes cause we know our members will be moving on shortly if we don't keep them entertained.

    Though I know I'd never ban another forum admin just cause their forum happened to have the same theme as mine.
    cpvr and Ashley like this.
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    And not to mention its usually free content if users talk about other competitors. But there should always be a limit - such as, not allowing links out for the competitor.

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