
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by chaos, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. chaos

    chaos Regular Member

    haha, well, you can definitely tell i'm new here because i don't know my way around the boards yet... i posted my whole hi-i'm-new-here-and-just-want-to-make-my-presence-known thread on a different board not appropriated for specifically that sort of thing... so, i'm here, and hello!
  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, chaos! :beer:

    Nice to meet Ya there. :nod:
    It is really good to put some havoc there ...
  3. koehiir

    koehiir Regular Member

    :welcome: again. Do you know what "T(delta symbol)S" means? My favorite mathematical expression - roughly the the mathematical symbol of Chaos from Gibb's Free Energy Equation.{whew - what a geek - Yikes}
  4. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    yes you are a geek! sadly though, i did know it. :lol:

    welcome! you're already learning the ropes, but if you need help just let us know. we're great people :D
  5. punkin

    punkin Regular Member

    I'm new too, think I'll stay awhile. see ya around
  6. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hey Ya, punkin!

    Nice to see Ya there! :beer:
    If You will hides good ... may be Prox will forget to probe You.
    Anyway, He is insane and His name should be pronounced with greatest respect! :nod:
  7. chaos

    chaos Regular Member

    thanks for the welcome! the mathematical formula for chaos, eh? actually i got my user name from the name of my band (the chaos serenity structure) and the name for my band is really a synonym for the world :) hehe sorry about the plug for my band. so i'm gonna go check out the rest of the forums and find my way around, probably bump into some of you sooner or later.

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