Ongoing JustHost experience...

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Svoboda, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. ferrari353

    ferrari353 Newcomer

    They also screwed me over. Before I signed up with them, they promised me over live chat that if I did not want the free domain, I would not have to pay the $20. Before I canceled, I went on live chat again and I received the same answer. After I received my pro-rated refund (minus the $20) I contacted live support AGAIN, and they still told me I wouldn't have to pay it. And then i told her I had been charged for it and she said it was an update in their policy before I bought my package. I was so pissed off. They wouldn't do anything about, and they wouldn't give me the chat transcripts for some reason. I truly hate JustHost and I understand how you feel because their support truly is garbage. I think we should file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau...
  2. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    You can't really file a complaint with the BBB if they're acting inside of their terms. Just because person A says "we will do this" doesn't mean they will. It just means that you fell into a crack, unfortunately.
  3. pompano21

    pompano21 Regular Member

    I use Arvixe, they are one of the best in my eyes.

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