Do you market your website offline? I mean in local market with some product like key chain or t-shirts? What other ways you follow? Does it increase your traffic?
I have used marketing using calendar and key-chain and it works fine. I got little traffic from it. If you are selling items on your site with then this type of marketing is useful for you.
Putting your logo on the back windows of your car would get you a few hits probably but the main source of off line hits come from radio and tv. If you can come up with a great story about something and submit it to a radio and get it on the air, you will receive major traffic. What's the worst they can say? no?
i am thinking of impressing my Website logo and info on my T-Shirt.... By doing that everyone who view me will come to know about my website
we submitted our site through a friend for $15 and it got us submitted to almost 900,000 directories and traffic went from around 20MB to around 350-450MB within about a 2 weeks from the time that we submitted it. so if we found directory submission works the best at the current moment, we can help anyone out if they let us know...
give away free t-shirts to your employees. When they go around wearing it, you will get some advertisement .
@nightlinker:Yes he is referring to mega bytes.. BTW i never knew that directory submission yields so much traffic... :scared: @avi007o:Nice idea....will double the impact if most of the employees are good looking females
i think adithya has the right idea, i was referring to Mega Bytes(MB)...yes directory submission can be good and being a recently new submitted site many people check those out all the time... LOL @ avi's idea about the female models having the shirts with their site on it...