Yes and as in this derailment example of off topic ... have a thread going in my forum that was titled and specifically about vampires - all the kinds currently in books, movies and on tv. Totally derailed and now they are discussing a psychological historical analysis of zombies. With a humorous side-track on adventures in the New Orlean's French Quarter (that is, all the debauched persons staggering around in the middle of the night are not necessarily vampires.) Out of control. Good thing we don't moderate thread drift, for sure. :p
what i do is split the thread into two seperate threads, one the on topic stuff and one the off topic bit (which i will normally move into the general chat section) and will leave a post explaining what i have done and where to find the off topic bit.
I try to use my discretion based on how the OP was written. Meaning if it was specific to a need, question, concern, story, event, etc. as opposed to having some ambiguity. Most of the time, nothing is done about it. Other members will on the own accord remind and say to go back OnTopic. I did have a case of a member (now departed) that made it his mission to cross post, derail, thread jack, and all of the above. He called good forumz. Initially it was not too bad as it started on his own intro thread. Its his Then it carried to some general topics here and there, and even got some other ppl to act similarly. It was one of those funny, cool, trendy things, one might say. In truth some was funny. It crossed the line when it mattered on important topics, such as policy, operations, moderation, etc. I have nothing better to do than hold someone accountable for their own actions, right? When multiple people post stating that the subject jacker to takes even more precedence. Closed threads, few I might add, helped only on some occasions. Some people are just on such kicks, that's all I can take from it.