Off topic sections?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by deathlypoet888, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. deathlypoet888

    deathlypoet888 Regular Member

    About how many do you normally add?
    I try only to add one or two, not to many as to have more off topic than on the theme of the forum itself.
  2. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    Only a few.
  3. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    Well, as the owner of an off topic forum, I only have 1 off topic section. The rest of them have a subject.
  4. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I got one off topic forum in my gaming forum.
  5. Sarah

    Sarah Regular Member

    On my gaming forum I have one category for off topic discussion that has three forums; one for general chat, one for entertainment (music, movies, tv, etc) and and one for design discussion :)
  6. Corza

    Corza Regular Member

    I have one category dedicated to off topic
  7. sukanjan.k

    sukanjan.k Regular Member

    I don't have any off topic forum but thinking of having one, its nice to give your users some freedom.
  8. phio_chan

    phio_chan Regular Member

    I have six forums on off-topic category. I want my place not to be a fan-site forum only but also a place where members can gather and relax and chat about other things. ^^

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