Nutella® Forum is dedicated to the delicious chocolate spread created in the 1940s by Mr. Pietro Ferrero. More information about Nutella® What IS Nutella? | Nutella Forum Anyways! The forum was made by me, Michelle and Dave, we'll still be adding some things to the site and editing here and there. The design is not yet done but it's only minimal the things that need to be replaced. It features a recipe forum in which some of us have already posted: Nutella Ice Cream Recipes | Nutella Forum Hazlenut-chocolate Linzer Cookies | Nutella Forum Nutella Biscotti | Nutella Forum Self Frosting Nutella Cupcakes | Nutella Forum Nutella and Raspberry Sandwiches | Nutella Forum Any comments and feedback would be great!
That's a delicious-looking theme - that alone would entice me to register. I'm really loving the combination of fonts + colors used. The community itself has a "new age" feel, yet the fonts convey a sense of class and tradition (i.e. perfect for a product that has been enjoyed by all through the years). It's clean and elegant - you've incorporated your immense love of the product being discussed, and it's quite obvious. Best of luck. I'll be registering shortly.
One word, magnificent! I really like the theme, everything is matching, images are nice and content up to now is great.
I think that it's absolutely great that three strong admins/webmasters got together to create a site! That is DEFINITELY a recipe for success! I've wanted to partner up with some other admins to put together a site/forum and share resources, time and effort in getting the thing launched and promoted. Congratulations to FMB, Michelle and Dave! Good luck with the site... I'm sure that you'll get people to stick to that site once they register
This thread has made me hungry... I like the forum design, I was moaning for Nutella. I don't even like the stuff.
The forum's chocolate brown background looks positively edible, while the clean white of the foreground evokes the lines of the Nutella jar itself. I love it Arny, what kind of site did you have in mind?
Haha, as usual, I must compliment FMB's awesome styling abilities. It is truly beyond me how she does it, but somehow she pulls it off. We've got a whole lot more in store for the site in the near future, so definitely drop by, register, and watch us grow!
Michelle, nothing in particular at the moment. But, I've always wanted to get some of our great minds together and make things happen! Although, with your url that you posted on that other thread, it gave me an idea PM Sent
Don't forget you're a huge help at times when I am so lost at coding. xD <3 Thank YOU for the compliments and the help, it's ALWAYS a pleasure working with ya. Yes we do!! We have some things in mind that we want to implement! Many things can be done with that awesome domain, plus, it sort of shows that the internet is not all guys.
That was my thinking - that's why I responded the way I did in that thread. Edit: Hey - I just thought, Michelle, with that domain, it'd be excellent to have the Invite-Only feature. And then Arny can have the brother site, or something.
Hi FMB. I agree that the layout is pretty yummy! The contrast between the chocolate brown background and the white posts are great. One suggestion that I would make is to adjust the color of your font that appears on the chocolate background. It blends in a little too much. Perhaps a nice buttercream color? One other thought that I had was perhaps you could add a "rate this recipe" type of hack to the recipes section. That way if somebody wanted to sort by best rated recipes they could. Great job! Very clean and professional! The red accent color is great! Best of luck! RR
Definitely, I'll see where the colors are and I'll make them lighter. ^^ Yes! We have a 'list' of things we'd like to ask some MyBB plug-in authors to make the forums experience much better, this will certainly be on the list. Though the thread rating system can be used, just another thought!
Just visited the new site and have to compliment the designer. FMB, you've outdone yourself darlin. Absolutely fantastic design! I'm sure the site will take off and be an enormous success. PS I love the concept!
As FMB stated, we have a few things planned out for the near future, and this is definitely one of them. All I can say is, the current thread-posting for recipes is only temporary. I think we just wanted to launch something soon, since this niche is not really covered in the forum world.
I think when I get around to working on the womenwebmasters site, I would not make an effort to deliberately exclude men. There are several reasons for this, chiefly that women have historically chafed at being excluded from all-male institutions and social circles, and I wouldn't want to become the oppressor here Second, some men have the same concerns as women, or just prefer to avoid the hierarchical structure of male-dominated society, and would still fit in on a "woman's" site regardless of their gonads. However, I would expect them to behave in ways that didn't belittle or demean the female majority there.