:nuts: It was suggested to me that I put in a request for probing here as punishment for digression of topic in another thread. Occasionaly I comply! :whip: Regardless of my discipline issues, I was hoping to say howdy doody to a few folk here being a newbie an all. Have enjoyed a week or two off university with a post operative knee thing and been playing far too many games on here... someone needs to send me back to work now! Any ideas for essay writing motivation?
Hola, Nuphoria! Nice to meet Ya there! :beer: Write about these small dutch butter cookies ... I can eat them a lot! :burga:
Cookies sound rather good.. yes... sadly my intended task for the day is to write about the comparison of lipid/carb absorbption in the GIT and the clinical implications of defects in either... etc etc... :terrified you asleep yet?! Tell me more of your cookies from the lowlands.
welcome welcome! you've found a good place to hang out - prox will be by shortly with the probe, i'm quite sure. if not I can substitute, but I don't have my level 10 license yet.
howdy. get probed that's the best motivation to think about carbohydrate or lipid metabolism, if I remember drinking helps too, but that was a long time ago. really show your AS spirit and join our folding@home team, then I'll forgive any transgression :ohboy:
Hey, nice to see you outside of your arcade dominance. I hope you actively participate here too, there's a lot of fun to be had!
Ha ha.. yes, I have been playing rather a lot, but only because of time off due to knee surgery (I'm sticking to that excuse!). As for the folding thing, yes, it looks interesting - infact I had no idea that it was so closely allied to my current course of study. When I've got time for a proper read (post-essay) I shall d/l the stuff and get it running. Thanks again for all the warm welcomes peeps :cheek:
Mornin All, Just d/led the folding@home client and got it running I think! It's the console version on win98 so it's just sitting there, currently showing some copyright data as the last line... is this normal? Do I actually have to poke it with a stick or something? Otherwise, signed up using Nuphoria (Alien Soup) team no. 77, is that hunky dorey? Admit I am slightly confused, but that's normal for me, especially AM All these and other question to be answered by... any one of you nice chaps! Cheers
if you open console it should tell you that it downloaded a workunit and give you some information about how many steps will be required. It will also tell you which server your computer is trying to connect to. The servers at F@H have been having a tuff time lately, so bear with it, plz. I'm no tech wizard, but there seems to be alot of red and yellow on the server page - and to me that means trouble. To check F@H server status click here
Hmm.. thanks for the help, but it still doesn't seem to be doing anything. I think it processed one unit and then gave up - have restarted it but it just seems to get stuck on the copyright bit.... buggered if I know!
It can take days to complete a workunit. Do you have a firewall that might be blocking access to F@H? I'm not an overly big fan of console, unless you are using a third party program to hide it or run as a service. Can you post what you are looking at, maybe that would help?
OK, it claims to be "working..." now. This is a good thing I assume? I just closed it and tried a few times until I got that to happen - thus proving that persistance isn't futile! Thanks tho :hug2: