Number of Admins

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by kneel, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    I notice alot of sites have multiple admins...why is this?

    -did they all buy into the site at once?

    -did sumone add them as admins?

    -do they have 100% ftp access?

    Im the only 'admin' and prolly will be seeing that i put up the $ to get things going...

    Just curious...I've always wondered this... :doh:
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    There are a variety of reasons as to why communities can (and most likely do) have more than one administrator - the most common reason being to split the work load and therefore, increase productivity. If a discussion forum is active and the original founder feels that he/she is "falling behind" work-wise, it would be wise to hire and/or promote another administrator (or two).

    It depends, really. There is a difference between being a partner and being an administrator - you're referring to a partner (or partners). If a group of individuals each "purchase" or "buy into" select portions of a community, that is indeed (or, more than likely) a partnership. On the other hand, simply promoting a member to an administrative/management position does not necessarily mean that they will (or have the ability to) financially support the community.

    Generally, members are granted administrative access when they show tremendous amounts of not only effort, but dedication - or, in other words, those who show potential.

    Well, I'd hope so! In order to become an administrator, one must grant you the appropriate access.

    No, not necessarily - depending on the terms of the administrative position at hand, complete and total access may or may not be given. In order for such a privilege to be earned, one must demonstrate the ability to fluently work with not only the backend, but also the overall file structure.
  3. Ben

    Ben Regular Member

    There should be only one admin. Unless it's co-founded by multiple people.
  4. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    In my case, I made a couple of mods admins because I want them to be able to make new forums, perform database maintenance, give out awards, etc.
  5. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    In my opinion, there are certain aspects of the forums that some admins cannot manage alone, some others don't know that specific area and such. So I'd imagine people making administrators, besides themselves for the sole reason of needing help and those individuals have showed the capacity enough to handle such aspects of the forum. If I couldn't work on my FTP on Pisoga, I would GLADLY make one of my moderators an admin, since I've taught them the ropes.

    Depends on how knowledgeable you are on the forum software and the business.
  6. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Bust sites need more than one admin. We have a number of admins, with varying powers and server access.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I'll respond with answers based on our situation here at AA:

    Because we all share the same passion for the subject and decided to launch this forum.
    At varying times, we have all made monetary contributions to the site, and continue to do so.

    Yes. We all have 100% access to everything that pertains to the site.

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